Along with advice, manipulation, strapping, muscle stimulation and home exercises, The Storm Clinic can also offer you (click on the links for more information)
Acupuncture sessions could potentially help in reducing inflammation of soft tissue and cartilage, which may be common causes of hip pain and long-term discomfort.
Shockwave therapy is a physical treatment that uses high-energy acoustic waves — known as shockwaves — to treat musculoskeletal pain and promote the healing of painful tissue. It works by stimulating increased blood circulation and cell growth, improving elasticity in the affected area, and ultimately reducing inflammation and pain. In some cases, it can be very effective in breaking up scar tissue or calcifications.
Laser therapy helps to accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and reduce swelling.
To book a consultation click here

Hip Pain Physiotherapy Treatment in Bristol
Hip pain
Common conditions:
Lateral (Outer) hip pain (Trochanteric Bursitis)
What is it?
A number of terms have been used to describe pain on the outside of the hip. Commonly it may be called trochanteric bursitis, gluteal tendinopathy or greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS).
It is caused by irritation to the tendons of the buttock muscles (gluteals), there may also be irritation of a fluid sac on the outside of the top of the thigh bone which reduces friction called the bursa.
It is more common in females and in people older than 40. It can sometimes be brought on by a change in the amount or type of exercise or activity you do or a trauma such as a fall. Symptoms frequently start without an obvious cause.
Pain is located on the outside of the hip and can spread down the thigh
Pain often worse on walking, running and prolonged standing
Pain when pressing on side of the hip – often painful to lie on that side
Pain on crossing legs

Hip impingement
Pain is often a deep, intermittent discomfort in the groin
There may be a catching or pinching sensation in the groin
Less common symptoms are buttock pain, pain on the outside of the hip or low back pain.
Pain during or after activity
Sprinting, kicking sports, hill walking and prolonged sitting in a low chair are common activities which can cause pain
What is it?
Hip impingement is caused by abnormal contact between the ball and socket of the hip joint. This can be due to changes to the bones or as a result of repetitive and extreme range of motion activities at the hip. For example, the extreme range of motion required for gymnastics, or the repetitive nature of kicking sports. Weakness and tightness of the muscles around the hip can increase the stress at the joint contributing to the symptoms.
Hip joint anatomy
1 Ilium (Pelvis)
2 Acetabulum (Socket)
3 Femoral head (Ball)
4 Greater trochanter
5 Lesser trochanter
6 Femur (thigh bone)
Iliopsoas syndrome
Pain is felt at the front of the hip and the thigh
On occasions a clicking sensation of the structures at the front of the hip is felt
Pain is often worse with lifting the knee up to the chest
What is it?
Illiopsoas syndrome is irritation of the tendon or structures at the front of the hip joint. This can be caused by biomechanical factors such as overload of the tendon at the front of the hip (iliopsoas) combined with weakness of the muscles at the back of the hip (gluteal muscles). This is a similar process to the cause of lateral (outer) hip pain.